Tuesday, June 1, 2010


By the way...... My baby has ate enough cottage cheese to keep DARIGOLD in business for at least another year. I have no idea why this is his favorite but it is. He will wake up out of a dead sleep and say, "Yeese, Yeese!" More frequently he says dog or ball... Still to be in the top three...
I do believe there could be a lot worse things to be his diet staple. So- I give him as many, "bites" as he wants (I do add strawberries and whatever else I can to it, he mostly eats it plain). I think he may turn into a curd before his second year is over =)

I owe this a picture... stay tuned

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last Summer

It is easy to forget just how Chubby my baby was last year! He at this point has had no outside food or drink..... Unbelievable

Whirl Wind Month

It is easy to get away from writing. I need a beeper that goes off every week and says, "Drop what ever you are doing and write."
This whole month has been crazy. To start, Kyler had his first over night away from his mother. I should say his mother had her first night away from Kyler. Kevin took me to Jackpot for my birthday and Kyler stayed at home with Grandma Honey and Grandpa Bill. He had a blast and didn't even begin to miss us. They ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse- his favorite I might add. They played and watched movies and Kyler was devastated the next day when his Grandma Honey went home.
We have gone to several BBQ's and played with Ashton, Greyson, Teague, River, Warren, and Cohen. His big hit with the Adults is, "Get Tough!" He tightens his fists and says, "oooh-ah!"
He is learning to run which is very cute but a little dangerous. He still teeters back and forth because he runs with straight legs! Absolutely Hilarious!
Kyler comes out with at least one new word each day! My favorite phrase is, "Here I go!"
He finally mastered the animal book, complete with picture recognition and the corresponding sound they make. My personal favorite is the snorting of the pig.
Although capable of saying drink, Kyler still insists on saying, "oyee oyee oy." He also knows to turn on the tub for Shaka when he needs an oyee oyee oy. This is about the only time he shows any amount of empathy for anyone else. I think that my son is brilliant, he is loving, he is happy, he is outgoing and so receptive.... he is not empathetic. He could care less if someone else is sad or mad or glad really- unless they are glad because of something that he is doing at the moment! I don't know how to teach his to care about others' feelings.... I don't think that he doesn't care per say, maybe it is that doesn't think that any one else is capable of any emotion other than pride for him =).
This kid is still in love with a bath, and has cut so many teeth this last little while and there are 4 canines on the way!
Kyler also endured his first cold ever after our vacation to Las Vegas =(. He wasn't crabby just a little snotty (no pun intended!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Aunt Dani

Kyler loved having his Aunt's down from Oregon over their spring break. When they were finished at the wedding full of people they knew not and no facebook connections, Carley and Dani took the baby home for pizza and playtime. Not sure where Aunt Carley is in this picture but he loves them both so much. It is only sad that he does't get to play with them more often.

Strawberries in the Car

The after and during picture of Strawberries in the new car. He had a blast this day at the mall with his Hadlea, Aunt Carley and Aunt Dani. We had lunch with Granny Shelly, Grandma Honey and Aunt SaDee. He loves all his girls!

Sad Baby Face

Is it mean to take a picture when a baby is this mad? We didn't think so either! He is so animated with his emotions. Sometimes he just cries to cry... I guess it is like Tina says, "They can't pour a little glass of merlot and vent to a friend so they cry to Mommy. With no remedy."

Do it again Dad!

We all know that Kyler is a great big kid and always has been. He loves when his Dad throws him on the bed because his weight has restricted his, "throw me around-I'm a baby" playtime. It really is a special treat to him =)