Friday, March 19, 2010

Every baby needs.... a Midwife

Lots of reflection on the start to baby Kyler's life. I can definitively say that all babies should have the blessing of midwifery care for their mother. This boy had better professional prenatal care, better maternal care while in the womb, a better birth (all be it ended surgically), and human milk when he arrived because his dad and I sought midwifery care.
When I look at how I envisioned the start of my son's life I pictured a very different image than what actually occurred. I am so thankful that Kyler was able to benefit from the care and love of our midwife. She is amazing. The amount of postpardum support we recieved from her was instrumental in the great start he had. In a world where Attachment Parenting can be taboo to others, our efforts to have an emotionally secure and connected child was supported with enthusiasum.
My favorite baby/parenting writers Dr. and Martha Sears said this about Midwifery care in their book, Christian Parenting and Child Care. :
"A well-trained and experienced midwife is the ideal birthing attendant because her mindset is dedicated to the concept that birth is a normal, healthy process for at least 90 percent of all women. She is also able to discern which women will need the services of an obstetrician and she is wise enough to screen her clientele carefully. Many midwives are dedicated Christian women who see thier profession as a ministry God revealed in Scripture."


  1. I agree, midwifery care is wonderful! It is one of the best kept secrets so thank you for giving these amazing women a shout out. I believe midwifery to be a calling too. I especially love the story of Puah and Shiphrah, Hebrew midwives, in Exodus 1:15-21. To be a midwife is to have courage.

  2. Thanks for this message. Happy Mother's Day to a mamma who is getting it right in a big way. To young lady I am honored to watch grow and flourish as a mother....Her Children Arise And Call Her Blessed..Proverbs 31:28
