Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blogging for real now....

Okay here we go. New Goal. Weekly blogs for baby Kyler to keep a better journal for him. I have been so sporadic with entries that much information is missing from his first year journal. I hope someday he really enjoys reading about himself from my perspective as a wee one- if not I love to read it so it is win/win no matter what! My angel is sleeping now, thank Goodness. His latest and greatest defiance is not going down for sleep well for Mommy. Daddy can put him out like a light but Mommy has no luck. Sometimes he crawls away and wants to play with eyes he just can't keep open and sometimes he uses nursing to stay up and sometimes he just crys and says I'm not going to sleep. I've tried everything I can think of. I rationalized that he just wants to not miss anything...So why does he go to sleep for Daddy? I just don't know. Well I suppose that if him not going easily off to sleep for me is the hardest part of my day I'll just take a deep breath. Not too bad right?

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