Monday, February 22, 2010

Who needs a Crib?

Who needs a crib when you can relax in a king sized bed? Not this child. We have enjoyed sharing our bed immensely with this Angel. We approach nighttime parenting with a hands on view. Kyler sleeps in the middle and we don't miss a thing with this baby! Some of our most treasured memories are first thing in the morning when he wakes. He is usually happy beyond belief and chatty in the morning. The last few months we wake up to, "Hi!" and this week a kiss as well. Too bad we have a gorgeous bassinet, crib, crib set, and extra sheets that will never get used.... I really wish I could have waited until after the baby got here to purchase all the equipment. Honestly, a massage or spa day for Mommy would have benefitted the kid a lot more than these items did. I would like to say an extra thankyou to anyone who reads this and bought Kyler any of that stuff. I really thought we needed it. I really had no idea what kind of parent I would be until he got here. I would also like to put another plug in for Attachment Parenting right here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Some of the best memories I have are of my little ones waking can you not be a morning person when you wake up to that face. Look at him.
